747 historical events 1962-1965 - Boeing 747 | information center

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747 historical events 1962-1965

747 History > Milestones

I collected all the important milestones of the mighty  BOEING 747  in the past 50+ years. I tried to do my best to recall every important moment of more than fifty-year. I hope my efforts serve your reading enjoyment.

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Dates are in yyyy.mm.dd. format.

747 milestones | 1962-1965

  • Spring 1963 Boeing forms engineering group to develop large airplane to meet passenger and cargo growth predicted for the 1970s.

  • May 1964 CX-HLS competitive bids submitted to USAF System Command at Wright Field.

  • June 1964 Boeing make their own plan for the USAF CX-HLS project.

  • September 1964 Preliminary CX-HLS plans were sent to the Pentagon, Washington.

  • August 1965 Joe Sutter was asked about his thoughts of becoming 747 project chief engineer for the first time.

  • September 1965 JT9D program launched. The JT9D was developed as part of the design of the C-5 Galaxy. A contract was awarded to Pratt & Whitney to study the type of large engine needed, but the production contract was eventually awarded to the General Electric TF39

  • October 1965 Boeing begins to talk to airlines about proposed widebody airliner, based partly on the earlier CX-HLS studies.

  • October 1965 Joe Sutter was appointed as chief engineer of the 747 project.

  • 1965.11.17-18    finalizes its operating requirements for the 747.

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