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I'd like to express my gratefulness to the individuals and websites, companies around the globe for helping me so much through the last 32 years to collect all my information:
Ronald Aker @ KLM flight operations for a LOT of information through the years
Peter Evers KLM and Martinair 747 flight engineer
Mitsunobu Kataoka | 片岡充信
Chris Witt -
David Apps for BAW 747 paintshop information
Matt Cawby | Paine Field Aerospace Blog
Tommy Mogren and cpt Chaz Hinkle |
TAHS: The Aviation Hobby Shop publications
World Airline Fleets News
JP Airline fleets
Cactuswings Blog
Microvolt Radio blog
RobK's SEA Deliveries blog
Mr. John Roach editor of the well known JET AIRLINER PRODUCTION LIST
The Boeing Company | Mike Lombardi, head of Boeing Archive
AL | Aviation Letter -
ACAS (AirCraft Analytical System) -
Jim Lucas: Boeing 747 The first twenty years (book)
Douglas J. Ingells, 747 -
Hans Jakobsson editor in chief of the former 747 Information Center
Airlinerlist -
Boeing 747SP (Great Airliners Series, Vol. 3) by Brian Baum
Kevin S. Kelly Boeing Intellectual Property Management, -
Flightradar24 historical data