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Basic data for MSN 19653 line # 4 | last update: scrapped |
Customer code: 21 | originally built for |
Original type |
Roll out date |
First flight date |
Basic number |
Variable number |
Engine type (initial) |
747- |
23/04/69 |
10/05/69 |
R0004 |
RA004 |
JT9D- |
Registrations ever assigned to MSN 19637:
N731PA B-
N474EV B-
Lifespan sorted by operators, in historical order.
Dates here are in dd/mmyy or if specific day unknown mm/yyyy or mm/yy format
dates with link and question marks need confirmation.
Certificate of Airworthiness issued 20/0670
N731PA Clipper Bostonian 11/0770 delivered, fleet number: 731
N731PA 01/0287 (12/1986?) returned to Hanover Leasing and was stored till 10/0587
N731PA Totalled 63.090 flight hours / 14.600 cycles at Pan Am.
Names: Clipper Bostonian and Clipper Ocean Express (new named in 1980)
N731PA 03/0171 leased from Pan Am till 29/0471 totalled 826 flight hours / 400 cycles
N731PA 31/1071 leased from Pan Am till 26/0472 totalled 1.384 flight hours / 507 cycles
N731PA 10/0587 leased from Hanover Leasing till 12/1087 and totalled 1.037 flight hours / 187 cycles.
seen at Kastrup 12/0687 in basic Pan Am colors with Tower Air titles
N731PA 12/1087-
N731PA 17/1289 leased from Hanover Leasing.
N474EV re-
N474EV converted to 747-
N474EV 17/1289 -
N474EV seen stored at MZJ 16/1098 and 07/2002
N474EV 13/1003 still at MZJ
Final fate -
Stored at MZJ, totalled 79.952 flight hours and 18.431 total cycles as of 31/0197
Scrapped in 1999. , remains seen at MZJ 13/1003.
Records, memorable events related to MSN 19637:
This 747 used in the certification tests of the type.
03/0669 first 747 debute in Europe at the Paris air show -
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